
Free2Z is a platform for creators and supporters to connect and achieve their goals. Free2Z provides tools for creators to showcase their talents and raise funds for their projects without compromising privacy. Supporters can find and support causes they believe in.

Create your account

Currently, there are two ways to create your account on Free2Z:

  1. Choose a username and password.
  2. Connect your Twitter account.

To create an account or log in, visit and click the ‘CREATE’ button.


The login/signup form will appear in your browser. Choose your username and a strong password - this will be your login information. Solve the captcha and click the ‘Enter’ button to create your account.


Alternatively, you can create a Free2Z account by connecting your Twitter account. To do this, click on the Twitter logo next to ‘Login With’, and you will be asked to connect your Twitter account."


Click ‘Authorize app’ to connect your twitter account to free2z.

Personalize you profile

After your account is created, you will be redirected to your Free2Z profile page. If you created your account by connecting your Twitter, most of the fields will be automatically filled. If you created an account by entering a username and password, you should input your information here. You can use a pseudonym instead of your real name.
