What is Halo?

Halo is a trustless, recursive zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) discovered by Sean Bowe at Electric Coin Co. It eliminates the trusted setup and allows greater scalability of the Zcash blockchain. Halo was the first zero-knowledge proof system that is both efficient & recursive widely regarded as a scientific breakthrough.


Succinct Polynomial Commitment Scheme: Allows a committer to commit to a polynomial with a short string that can be used by a verifier to confirm claimed evaluations of the committed polynomial.

Polynomial Interactive Oracle Proof: Verifier asks prover (algorithm) to open all commitments at various points of their choosing using polynomial commitment scheme & checks identity holds true between them.

No Trusted Setup

zkSNARKs rely on a common reference string (CRS) as a public parameter for proving & verifying. This CRS must be generated in advance by a trusted party. Until recently, elaborate secure multi-party computations (MPC) as those performed by Aztec network & Zcash were necessary to mitigate the risk involved during this trusted setup ceremony.

Previously Zcash's Sprout & Sapling shielded pools utilised the BCTV14 & Groth 16 zk-proving systems. While these were secure there were limitations. They were not scalable as they were tied to a single application, the "toxic waste" (remnants from cryptographic material generated during the genesis ceremony) could persist, and there was an element of trust (albeit minute) for users to deem the ceremony acceptable.

By repeatedly collapsing multiple instances of hard problems together over cycles of elliptic curves so that computational proofs can be used to reason about themselves efficiently (Nested amortization) the need for a trusted setup is eliminated. This also means that the structured reference string (output from ceremony) is upgradeable enabling applications such as smart contracts.

Halo provides users with two important assurances regarding the security of the large-scale zero-knowledge proof system. Firstly, it enables users to prove that no one who was involved in the genesis ceremony has created a secret backdoor to execute fraudulent transactions. Secondly, it allows users to demonstrate that the system has remained secure over time, even as it has undergone updates and changes.

Sean Bowes Explainer on Dystopia Labs

Recursive Proofs

Recursive proof composition allows a single proof to attest to the correctness of practically unlimited other proofs, allowing a large amount of computation (and information) to be compressed. This is an essential component for scalabililty, not least because it allows us to horizontally scale the network while still allowing pockets of participants to trust the integrity of the remainder of the network.

Prior to Halo, achieving recursive proof composition required large computational expense and a trusted setup. One of the main discoveries was a technique called “nested amortization,”. This technique allows for recursive composition using the polynomial commitment scheme based on inner product argument, massively improving on performance and avoiding the trusted setup.

In the Halo paper, we fully described this polynomial commitment scheme and discovered a new aggregation technique existed in it. The technique allows a large number of independently created proofs to be verified nearly as quickly as verifying a single proof. This alone would offer a better alternative to the earlier zk-SNARKs used in Zcash.

Halo 2

Halo 2, is a high-performance zk-SNARK implementation written in Rust which eliminates the need for a trusted setup while setting the stage for scalability in Zcash.